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  • seo expert seo ranking seo tactics

    I have a site that has been having problems ranking. Initially, spam rate was at 18%. I have since changed the URL and forwarded to the original so now the spam rate is under 5%. Phone calls started picking back up very slowly but then by August 2024 things came to a screeching halt. Phone has been dead and very little business has been written. I did notice on the robots.txt file it had this: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: Googlebot
    User-agent: bingbot
    Disallow: /no-bing-crawl/
    Disallow: wp-admin and now I have since changed it to this:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap: My question is what else do I need to do to get this site to start ranking again? We are blogging once a month, writing press releases once a month, updating the social media a few times a week. I feel like maybe there is something on the backend that needs to be done to get this site back to ranking. I am using SEO by Yoast and I have filled in the title and meta description fields for all pages. There is a spot in Yoast where I can validate the site with Google, Bing, etc. I'm trying to figure out how to do that. I do see in the site's Google Webmaster Tools there are several pages not indexing. Any ideas on what else I can do to get this site to start ranking again? Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | SOM24

  • reputation seo consulting seo expert pdf searchresultshelp

    I am new here and I have an issue to solve. I do not anything about SEO.
    My ex harasses me using SEO and causing defamation by crawling unwanted website. Google does not remove the website as it is public record. 1: how can I remove it? I am not even sure if he uses backlink because website link is pdf and he might do some other technics
    2:Although I am sure he uses SEO, I can not prove it and nobody believes me. How can I proof it?

    SEO Tactics | | CerenSEO

  • seo expert

    Hey everyone, i am creating a blog post on Top SEO Experts in the World. I need your recommendation who is in the top 10 list? Your suggestions is highly appreciated for me. Thanks!

    International SEO | | gxpl09

  • seo consulting seo expert seo page treatment

    Hi, My website has a few SaaS products, to make my website simple i want to move my website some pages to its specific folder structure , so eg and same for product2 and so on, the menu will only show the links of product1 and only one link to homepage (possibly in footer). Please share your opinion will it be a good idea, from UI perspective it will be simple , but i am not sure about SEO perspective, please help thanks

    Technical SEO | | webbeemoz

  • seo seo expert

    Hi - I have a site Simply Stairlifts and I don't understand it but I've followed all the SEO processes of cleaning the site and building links, but ranking just keeps falling - any advise would be very gratefully received 👍 .

    SEO Tactics | | Naju231

  • shopify seo audit seo expert

    Hi Experts, Single filter page: /collections/dining-chairs/black
    -- currently, canonical the same: /collections/dining-chairs/black
    -- currently, index, follow Double filter page: /collections/dining-chairs/black+fabric
    -- currently, canonical the same: /collections/dining-chairs/black+fabric
    -- currently, noindex, follow My question is about double filter page above:
    if noindexing is the better option OR should I change the canonical to /collections/dining-chairs/black Thank you

    Technical SEO | | williamhuynh

  • seo tactics seo expert content optimization

    Quick question: does Google differentiate between terms that correctly include a hyphen (such as "royalty-free") and those that are incorrect ("royalty free")? I ask because the correct term "royalty-free"(with a hyphen) receives far less monthly traffic for the same term without the hyphen (according to Moz): Term | Estimated traffic
    "royalty free music" | 11.5-30.3K
    "royalty-free music" | 501-850 If Moz views the terms separately then I'd guess that Google does too, in which case the best thing to do for SEO (and increased site traffic) would be to wrongly use "royalty free" without the hyphen. Is that correct?

    On-Page Optimization | | JCN-SBWD

  • seo training seo expert

    My boss, alerted me that we have 7k in unspent budget for 2022. If you had extra 7k to spend on SEO tool/software/training or whatever, what would you purchase?

    Other SEO Tools | | inhouseninja

  • seo tactic seo international seo seo rankings seo expert

    I have a website which I want to rank in UK, NZ and AU and I want to keep my domain as .com in all the countries. I have specified the lang=en now what needs to be done to rank one website in 3 different English countries without changing the domain extension i.e. or

    SEO Tactics | | Ravi_Rana

  • seo expert opportunity

    We have been struggling with SEO for a while now. We are looking for an expert who can help us on the journey? Any leads?

    Jobs and Opportunities | | Matthew.wainaina

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